Sunday, May 12, 2013


Terilyn Dallon:

Gave birth to, and raised, seven strong headed children.
Loves her husband with every action she takes and word she speaks.
e, conquered and loved trials and problems that only hellfire could create. She always loves, when love is scarce.
Has worked a lifetime in heavy labor, has constructed and built more then anyone should have to.
She has cooked and cleaned enough to clean and feed the entire planet once over.
She has counseled and taught more then Socrates, and Plato combined.
While devoting her life to the grueling and intense work of Mother, she has never lost her ability to take control of her own life and make of it what she desires.
Her accomplishments could fill books, and would make one of the best reads ever!

But of all this, the most important thing is her spirit. No matter the difficulty and gloom weighing over her head, she smiles and loves.
She sees the light in my darkness, and my potential when I fail.
She lives Hope and Love. She does more then teach. Teaching the power of positive influence, of building strong morals, and of taking life’s curve balls and turning them into home runs. She lives it, and inspires everyone around her, making us feel and know that we too can do and achieve.

Momma-bear you are my inspiration. I love you and want everyone in the world to know of it! The world needs more of the light that you give. Thank you, thank you so much, for filling my life with it everyday. On this Mothers Day, you should know; you have done more then could have been asked of you. The wonderful thing is, that for you, it isn’t about filling a quota or meeting responsibilities: it’s about the people in your life and what you can do for them. I hope to grow up to be just like you.

I love you.

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